Sunday, March 17, 2013


We had a roaring heckler last night. His name was Alex. I am inclined to say he was my most passionately irrational heckler I have ever encountered. I couldn't even address the crowd since he constantly yelled. Eventually, Alex and his 4 year old son Alex, blew green horns right in my face. I couldn't preach and the crowd was hostile. Finally the gospel went forth after a long intermission. God was teaching me to be both bold and compassionate to the lost who suppress the truth in unrighteousness (Rom 1).

The cops came and broke up our preaching. They threatened to arrest us if we did not stand-down from preaching. They said we were disturbing businesses. We were infringing the rights of business owners. They made all these accusations, all the while infringing on our First Amendment rights. In fact, I have contacted ADF to see what to do next.

Please don't stop preaching the gospel even in the midst of opposition. Preach the gospel and glorify God no matter the circumstances.

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