Monday, May 29, 2023


Do not say everything you are thinking off the cuff. It may come across as ill prepared and scatter minded.

Speak with carefully selected words to effectively communicate with confidence, competence and conviction. Do not use unnecessary words; better to use fewer words to promote clarity.  

Prevent filler words (e.g. like, umm, know what I mean etc.) or frequently repeated words. Use variety of transitions of thought, if possible. 

Prevent distracting mannerisms. 

Remember your audience sees hand movements as mirrored (e.g. your right hand is seen as left).  

Voice projection must be natural or organic not forced or constrained. 

May be intense but not insulting to the ears as yelling. 

Be relaxed. Speak from your diaphragm not throat. Do not come across as yelling but rather elevated inflection and tone must communicate clearly confidence, concern and seriousness. 

Consider preaching or teaching as a conversation that requires at times vocal projection to include multiple people— without coming across as yelling. Do not compete with the microphone rather use it. 

Enthusiasm and excitement must be natural and organic. 


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